Saturday, August 28, 2010

A glimpse of serenity...

her gift to me...

No postering or pose for the daisy.
When the sunshines they bask.
When the sky rains they close.
No teaching just naturally grow.
Mauao once the nameless mountain
who was caught by the dawn.
Sits now like our sentry.
Our maunga is Mauao.

The finest of architects,

must've design these...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

... I shall dream ...
... of He...
...who dreams...
...with me...
... steady He's my rock...
... My Journey Man...

#love #dream #MvC
Poetwee #soul #search
in silence
says other
no violence
of body
or mind
in silence
-body mortal-
tired soul
a transient trapped
in tactile emotional phase
-fade out when done-
_ I wonder _
_ what of me _
_ is you _
_ of you _
_ is me _
_ betwixt insanities _
_ did I leave _
_ to return to _
_ you of me _
I knit in straight lines
My mind drifts a fractious web
Both without apparent end
The tacky weave hath no beginning
- Your mirror warped -
- By tainted heart -
-Can see no truth -
-It is too dark -
I see
the lines
I paved
in mothers face
I see
life acceptance
in grandmothers grace
I see
in my childs eye
I see
in the deep stardust night

June 2010
2months 3weeks
in darkness hidden away

none know

our play





- be my proxy in a reality bite -

- have been vamped now no fight -

- be my proxy cyber right -

in the now


deny emo

be void


no lie

yet deny

own humanity

- Pattern of path -

- Proofing future vein -

- Faith flows through -

- Subtle changing same -

As Sandman comes,

I release,

becoming one,

insync inside,

of no mind,

I am.


In lethargy

I wrestle slumber

but why

in waiting

for what


it seems...
Into the darkness - lawn wet chills toes -
- I inhale -
Sharp dark air - excited - I raise my head -
- Stare into eternity-

mortal strength

- assuredly I say -
- it will all be well -
- not by my word -
- but as -
- the universal would have it -
- I am not faith -
- nor fate -
- but am -
- as the universal would have it -

" Fate fills in the blanks. Faith calms the turmoil."

Poetwee May-June

- Friday Rain -

heavy she falls
foresaking none
quenching one and all
on this the last day


... beyond themselves they cannot see... mountain out of a molehill...

- profound malice -
- of a nurturer -
- the ego tripped over -
- vibrant enmity stewed -
- shared disease -
- hate wash over -
- away from me -

...fickle day... hot no cold... highs and lows...
...mind slown inside out... home sweet house...

- dried fruit and nuts an autumn suger sprinkle to sustain my weary mind -


- sated day - patient night - will of wake - does subside -


- autumn rain- clean the sky-
- make it shiny new-
- what wonders- she can do-


... solace in eyes of stormy sea...

...overwhelming ocean am I...
...two ships in the night...

- once shy-
- then bitten-
- I again smitten-

... converse with self...
... worst enemy...
... only friend...
... faithful truce...

- solemn sway in moonlight - pallid swatch of skin - the undead regal dance -

... scented words...denying heart... lapses in love...


- excitement stirs the water -
- weightless hearts and minds -
- freedom splashing joy -

- naked feet hit pavement -
- rush home to dry clothed warmth -
- return and feed hunger -
- wonderful morning jaunt -


victory in puddles
walk the drunken bridge
serenade from trees
shiver in soaken threads


torrent has ceased
silence deafening
await the day


... I rise... quite unlike a phoenix... from the ashes of my dreams...


...reflection... in the puddles ... of summer long gone ...


... a space... a breath... a moment... a ppreciate...


Gumboots splash in puddles...
hair ringlets in rain...
exaltant in the grey...

... Only time pieces... marked the flow... of the day...







Thursday, August 19, 2010