Saturday, January 30, 2010

Beautiful lady with babe in arms
The weight of the world upon shoulder
May your world be lifted so you can shine

Thursday, January 28, 2010

True to You

Silences confuse me...
More than any words said...
For in those words I see heart, I see mind...
Where as silence helps breed dread...
Censor not yourself for beauty is in truth...
No matter how absurd or extreme...
Ones words bring light of you...

The Return of my Shadow

The beast is back to cloud my mind...
Making thought hard to define...
A dulling pain in forefront sit...
So I rhyme to make the most of this...
But venture into the sun I must...
The beast will pain me this I trust...
Beasty please be gentle with me...
I promise my head will rest for thee...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

To feel the sun kiss warm my skin...
To know your smile is where my day begins...
The clouds that waft peacefully through my sky...
They carry my heart by love on high...
The sea salted by my tears so sweet...
The swelling flow as when our minds meet...
As the breeze teasingly cools my day...
I drift in memories of our loving sway...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

To squander a ponder.
I wonder what blunder.
Mayhaps from such squander.

So is it money that we live for, or is it fame....

Seems these are the desires of many, tis a shame....

Yes money is a neccessity, I'll not deny....

But certainly not a desire, of mine....

The fickle of fame, please give me not....

I have no intention of being, just what's hot....

So what is it, I desire enough to strive for, seek and find....

Truth of self, Love of another, and Harmony in Life....

This is of distaste to some, insubstantial non-transactional....

I accept their view, though they try and impress upon me their Law....

Decency is not a commodity, Love is not a fashion....

I wish to taste Life, extract the essence there-in, Passion....

Out of body...
I'll come to You...
Distance ne'er too far...
In this way I'll lay with You...
No matter where You are...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My body, natures age evidence of your passing...
Though eyes, and minds cant see...
Weve mechanized our world, order to thee...
Our knowing, understanding, gives access not...
Belief we exist within you, I wonder...
Are you an entity yourself, far greater...
Simple of thought I am, many threads in mind...
This one shall sit amongst all others...
Collecting, attracting relevant and irrelevant pieces...
An ode to time...


Okay so we talked about travelling through timezones and became tangled intricately in elusive time. Hysterics I was in. Trying to follow a thread. Loved it! Thought to blog and find a poets logic. Not too sure I can...

Youll leave today. 12 hours later for me than you. Youll arrive tomorrow eve, 2 hours earlier than me. Well thats simple leave today arrive tomorrow. Does not a poem make. Hmm...

20 hours in stasis yet still a day youll lose? Is that right? I know not....

Air time left as no time is probably best, I guess...

Here today, here tomorrow, here tomorrow, here tomorrow. No, thats not right.
Here today, and yesterday lasts a long time for me in cybertime. Being first to today. Tomorrow Im in for others to varying degrees. Like Xmas Day lasted for a long spanse of time. Twitter-time that is...

Hmm... An ode to time...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The heat of the day, like a cloak lightly draped.

A silent breeze seductively plays.

The marriage a subtle sweat, breathing space.

Peace apparent in tangible realm.

Shared with loved ones, not always around.

Childish squabbles between the kids.

Best friends worse enemys, continue play.

As the day ends coolness befriends.

Darkness ushers in the quiet serene night.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Ponderance of Self... How fickle I am... Ruled by heart, censored by head... I amuse myself each moment... A peak then a low stagnant flow... A rush to crash, vorticose... Who am I to think... Many dont feel the need... Self-pity a bore... Assists traverse in despairing abyss... Why the hell ponder this... Im elated... Yet going deep... No tragedy... Perhaps true self I seek... To what end... Assurance that elations not a fickle friend... Makes sense of sorts... Ponderance may cease... For a time... Ill not count... But taste the moment now...
What is it Im feeling... Pit of stomach lurk... Anxious expectance hyper/hibernating fear... Breathless you leave me... Intricate threads connecting my reality... Logic cannot follow... Perhaps fear denies me... Truth there is, not always pleasant... Ill endeavour to hold you in belly... Disconnect you from my mind... I cant foretell future... You shant discolour what has yet to come... I wait untainted...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lingering Shadow

Youre still with Me. Felt certain Youd be gone... I dont really mind. Youve kept Me calm... My mind has slowed. Appreciating thought... A hazed serenity. Once desperately sort... So Shadow though you tire. I am thankful for this rewire... Again Ill leave, you to be. As from the lull, youve inspired me...

If I Was A Rock My Head Wouldnt Hurt

Like a Shadow in my Head... I feel You there... You cloud my Mind a murk... A monsters Lair... I shant provoke You... Ill let You lay... For I know You can turn... Like Wild-dog at Moon bay... So rest my Shadow... Mind me not... Til we part ways... With no Love lost...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Moments Respite

Come whisper to me... Like on breeze... Caresses gentle like wind through trees... With heat that rivals warmth of sun... In motion natures raw... We merge as one... The calm after the storm... Sated space... Loves energy... Most sensual embrace... As night falls darkly... Silence steeps... Renewed desires... Intention re-peaked... A myriad of stars... Alight darkest vision... The hush inserted... With final passion. As we ease into real space time... We are held again by darkness sublime.

So close...

Yet so far apart...

Same place inhabit...

Yet seasons apart...

Hot and Cold

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I shall practice patience...
For You...
I enjoy conversation of all...
With You...
I wait to learn, know more...
Of You...
I give willingly all of me...
To You...
I shall practice patience...
For You...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time eternal into which we are thrust...
Once a good measure of mind yet now only time pieces trust...
Elusive intangible and yet time races...
Seemingly inert and oblivious to the natural world our own mind in stasis...
As we try to match this whimsy for every beat...
Societies struggle ideals confused all for all none for one our sanity leeched...
Insubstantial yet of all import time will slow a new rapport...
Again we shall of time our bodies keep enjoy a moment long sweet no longer needing more...

How Brave Is One To Guard Their Heart When It Stems Loves Natural Path How Brave Is It

Tis Foolish Tis Cowardly To Guard Ones Heart Yet Still One Does

The Pain The Ache To Hold Untold Is Great Would Not Pain Of Release Be Tenfold

Coward Slink Into Sadness Of Pain Held In Vain By Fearful Mind Cowards Shame Eternal

Pain Eternal For Want Of One There Shall Be None Of All Consumed Leave Numb

How Brave Is One To Guard Their Heart Stemming Loves Natural Path How Brave Is It
I write off the cuff...
I dont plan so it may be rough... Sometimes I wonder do I share too much or not enough... But I simply write off the cuff... Mostly straight to twitter my poems I post... RTd are some assumed ignored by most... Or in letter as you will see a post from origin e... A change of location straight to blog a post just to mention to log... I write off the cuff...

Letter to Beauty of Beauty

If we love each moment we will gain more, than if we relive stolen moments. For in reliving we miss the moments now. He is a beautiful entity too maybe it is his piece in life to unite those of similar need. Which is sad in a way because he may not be destined to know true love. I believe in destiny fate a bigger plan. Everything happens for a reason we dont need to know why. But merely enjoy the moment gifted...
I Do Believe Humanity Rests On The Brink Of Insanity.....

We Are A Decadent Society Our Focus Pleasure Ease Fear Driven To Indulge Self.....

Why Trust Own Mind Seek Own Truth They Shall Lead I Shall Follow I Think Not Not I.....

A Fear Of All Under The Sun A Commercial Goldmine A Well Played Plan How Feeble Is Man.....

Scare Tacts Health Lack Of Wealth Vanity Sanity TERROR Its All In Play Matters Not End Of Day.....

When All Comes To Pass It Will Be As It Was As It Is A Human Experience A Universal Experiment.....

I Do Believe Humanity Rests On The Brink Of Insanity.....

Or Maybe It Is Simply I.....

A Transition Perhaps Beyond What We Comprehend.....

Nonsense Mostly Mine Not GODSEND

Friday, January 8, 2010

Im Fine Thanks

Last year a tweep said to me...
"I know youre fine you always are."
I was really quite surprized by that statement, I mean theres been times in my life when I thought... "This is just all too hard. I dont want to do this anymore"
or times when Ive felt like...
My heart had been ripped out damaging my lungs in the process making breathing difficult and body aching as though its very essence was leeching...
But I realized this tweep didnt know this about me. So I thought of the me he knew... Ive had bouts of depression on twitter alot of the poems here were tweets of inspiration bought on by such bouts. He may have missed those. (there will be encore performances at random) So in general... What he has seen and knows of me has been... Fun... Happy... Positive... ME! Alot of people see me that way...
How do I feel about that? Im not too sure... Detached in some way from those who believe me to be...
'Fine. Always. Fine.'

Moving on...

"Im not fine! Or always fine!" Im neurotic, passionate, random and give my all, to those who cross my path. I have trouble controlling my emotions, my attractions, my intentions Im a right fucking fool at times. I go hard! Fall harder.
Yeah Im fine...

Friday, January 1, 2010

The natives are restless on alcohol.
Making their noises they sound like dogs.
Then cursing and swearing louder than not.
On this new years day theyre a blemish a spot.
If you can be happy why would you choose pain.
Then choose the experience over again.
Shame they cant find what it is that they need.
So from their anger they may be freed.
I know where they come from, where they may go.
I see human evolution in places are slow.
Well I hope that their noises is where it will stop.
So that no-one will have to start the year in a plot.


Welcome The New Arrival 2010

I had a lovely New Years Eve. A quiet one really. I spent the evening with my mother her partner my younger brother and mums partners friend. We had a few drinks and a few more over a drinking game. Yes, a drinking game. It was fun, we had much to laugh and talk about as we waited for the new arrival.
About an hour out, from this Globally Staggered event. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. The neighbourhood was quite quiet, which was a good thing. However I slumbered my way into 2010 and we all hugged, kissed and said Happy New Year as you do. From somewhere in the neighbourhood fireworks sounded in the night we could not see from where they came but just hearing them made the night that little more special.
I ventured inside to jump into my extended world The Twitterverse and wished all a Happy New Year with the hash tag #NZNewYearsFirst. Some beautiful people congregate here and I just had to wish them all the best. There are a couple of people, who are very special to me, and I look forward to getting to know them better, and growing stronger ties.

2009 was an awesome year for me and my son. Things that had been a battle in establishing, had finally come into play. This made for a year of great learning, for my son and myself. 2008 seemed to set up 2009 like clockwork. In providing what my son needed, to be happy and secure. I believe 2009 has done the same for me, I have realized what is important for me to pursue, and what I need not continue to do. So I am looking forward to 2010, and the opportunities it will bring.

A few things I will endeavour to do in 2010;
Be more Attentive in all aspects of life.
Respect my Body it has been good to me.
Refine and Define relationships and aspirations.
Listen and Love all who cross my path.

Well that is my spiel though Ive nought to sell. I hope that everyone can find a little Peace and Love in the Year 2010. Globally many are struggling to survive. Many lack love and/or good nutrition. It is sad for many. Hopefully, those who need Love the most, will find it, if only in themselves, and those who are struggling to eat, will receive the help they need to manage. Ours is not a perfect world, but there is much we can appreciate, that may not be apparent as we yearn for something more. May hope provide help, to those who need it.