Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Moments Respite

Come whisper to me... Like on breeze... Caresses gentle like wind through trees... With heat that rivals warmth of sun... In motion natures raw... We merge as one... The calm after the storm... Sated space... Loves energy... Most sensual embrace... As night falls darkly... Silence steeps... Renewed desires... Intention re-peaked... A myriad of stars... Alight darkest vision... The hush inserted... With final passion. As we ease into real space time... We are held again by darkness sublime.


  1. Oh so beautiful - you're amazing! Wish I had half your talent! {{HUGS}}

  2. Hi Bob... Thank you! It is a favourite of mine, to date. I dont know much about poetry I just write...Lol

    Hey Chicky... Thank you I enjoy this one to!!! (((HUGS)))
