Thursday, February 4, 2010

To Walk On A Whim

The friend of my son arrived early morn, for his mum an early day start.
Then approximately 30 minutes on, ready to leave but oh, not the car.
So off on foot to school the boys trot, as I curse her, and whatevers wrong. I sit and think avoiding a spot, to focus on what can be done. A rough plan of the day, I have in my head. I start walking then find a way, though other direction a quicker tread. Jandaled and jeaned in a cool breeze, absorbing the sights the sound. Traffic flow a steady ease, cicada song stereo all surround. Into an old friend I happen, a pleasantly brief update. Hes doing much as I had been, an unorganized day. I pay a bill and send a post, feels good almost liberating. Then to a favourite store I ghost, looking at pendants just browsing. Continue on at a comfy pace, meet up with a new friend. Chat about no longer saving face, but loving each moment til end. Finally at mums in shade, I water myself and sit. My sister with hair I help aid, gloved I colour she sits. To hairdresser I drive her, and back to mums for lunch. Then down to my destiny quicker, to do relevant things for my son. A smile from young man unknown, a photo of heron distraught. Chance to pick litter blown, let breeze drift through thought. A day the start frustrated, the path not known unclear. Although over longer road I wafted, had laughs and fun smiles I did share. If I had taken the quickest, would I encountered any like this? It mayhaps have been easier, just so much I would have missed.

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