Thursday, August 26, 2010

Poetwee May-June

- Friday Rain -

heavy she falls
foresaking none
quenching one and all
on this the last day


... beyond themselves they cannot see... mountain out of a molehill...

- profound malice -
- of a nurturer -
- the ego tripped over -
- vibrant enmity stewed -
- shared disease -
- hate wash over -
- away from me -

...fickle day... hot no cold... highs and lows...
...mind slown inside out... home sweet house...

- dried fruit and nuts an autumn suger sprinkle to sustain my weary mind -


- sated day - patient night - will of wake - does subside -


- autumn rain- clean the sky-
- make it shiny new-
- what wonders- she can do-


... solace in eyes of stormy sea...

...overwhelming ocean am I...
...two ships in the night...

- once shy-
- then bitten-
- I again smitten-

... converse with self...
... worst enemy...
... only friend...
... faithful truce...

- solemn sway in moonlight - pallid swatch of skin - the undead regal dance -

... scented words...denying heart... lapses in love...


- excitement stirs the water -
- weightless hearts and minds -
- freedom splashing joy -

- naked feet hit pavement -
- rush home to dry clothed warmth -
- return and feed hunger -
- wonderful morning jaunt -


victory in puddles
walk the drunken bridge
serenade from trees
shiver in soaken threads


torrent has ceased
silence deafening
await the day


... I rise... quite unlike a phoenix... from the ashes of my dreams...


...reflection... in the puddles ... of summer long gone ...


... a space... a breath... a moment... a ppreciate...


Gumboots splash in puddles...
hair ringlets in rain...
exaltant in the grey...

... Only time pieces... marked the flow... of the day...

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